The goods are valued in gross profit at 20,000 yuan. 这批商品的毛利估计为两万元。
Since its founding, the company has raised$ 140 million from firms like Sequoia Capital and Tiger Global Management and reached$ 2 billion in gross ticket sales this September. 自成立以来,这家公司先后从红杉资本(SequoiaCapital)和老虎全球基金(TigerGlobalManagement)等公司获得了总计1.4亿美元的投资。今年9月,它的票务销售总额达到了20亿美元。
The Tankan survey suggests that Japan is going into a double dip, he said, predicting a small quarterly increase in gross domestic product during the final quarter of this year followed by a renewed contraction next year. 他表示,Tankan调查表明日本正进入二次衰退。他预测,在今年最后一个季度国内生产总值(GDP)较上一季度出现小幅增长后,明年的GDP增速将再次收缩。
It is the new target for real annual growth in gross domestic product in the forthcoming five-year plan. 这是中国未来五年国内生产总值(GDP)实际年增长率的新目标。
Its double-digit growth in gross domestic product last year is statistical proof of the ongoing changes. 去年中国国内生产总值(gdp)两位数的增长,为中国正在发生的变化提供了数据上的佐证。
On average, managers saw global growth in gross domestic product dipping a full percentage point. 平均而言,对冲基金经理认为,全球国内生产总值(gdp)增速将下滑整整一个百分点。
An increase in gross domestic product that merely reflects population growth is hardly a sensible policy objective. 只反映出人口增长的国内生产总值(gdp)增长很难算是一项明智的政策目标。
On the other hand, China's WTO accession also can translate into improved growth in gross domestic product ( GDP) for countries with high-value exports. 另一方面,中国加入WTO也有利于出口高价值产品的国家和地区促进国内生产总值(GDP)增长。
Not only has the US absorbed 70 per cent of the rest of the world's surplus capital, but consumption has accounted for 91 per cent of the increase in gross domestic product in this decade. 本世纪以来,美国不仅吸收了全球其它国家70%的过剩资本,而且消费占到了增加的GDP的91%。
Further, for every percentage point increase in the urbanisation rate, in many places there is more than a 2 per cent increase in gross domestic product per capita. 此外,在许多地区,城市化率每增长1个百分点,人均国内生产总值(GDP)就会增长逾2%。
Growth in gross domestic product ( GDP)-a measure of the size of the economy-was stronger than expected in Europe and Japan. 在欧洲和日本,GDP增长评价经济规模的尺度比预期的更强劲。
A recent contraction in gross domestic product ended more than six years of continuous growth, the longest, if not fastest period of expansion in post-war Japan. 近期日本国内生产总值(GDP)的萎缩,结束了其6年多的持续增长&在战后日本,这即使不是速度最快、也是持续时间最长的扩张时期。
In enterprises where equipment is in gross disrepair, the emphasis should be on repair. 设备失修严重的企业,重点应放在维修上面。
There were significant differences between two groups in gross score, net score and error ratio. 治疗后两组间粗分、净分、失误率得分均有显著性差异。
Third-quarter economic data, reported last week, showed that a fall in net exports to China and the EU was the main contributor to an overall 0.9 per cent contraction in gross domestic product between July and September. 上周报告的第三季度经济数据显示,日本对中国和欧盟净出口的下降是该国第三季度国内生产总值(GDP)萎缩0.9%的主要原因。
The two main drivers of the economy this year have been investment, responsible for about 40 per cent of the increase in gross domestic product, and net exports. 今年中国经济增长的两大主要动力分别是投资和净出口,投资在中国国内生产总值(GDP)增幅中约占40%的比重。
The American economist Joseph Stiglitz has urged policymakers not to be slaves to year-on-year rises in gross domestic product. 美国经济学家约瑟夫斯蒂格利茨(JosephStiglitz)则力劝政策制定者,不要变成国内生产总值(GDP)年增长的奴隶。
If we add financial sector debt, the rise in gross private indebtedness is 111 percentage points. 如果加上金融业的债务,则私人部门总负债程度上升了111个百分点。
Dividends are paid in gross terms, therefore Income Tax on profits distributed is paid by Shareholders. 股息以毛额分配,因此,有关股息分配之所得税由股东支付。
I kept passing out in gross anatomy any time I saw blood. 在解剖课上,我一看到血就晕倒。
Japan suffered a 4 per cent contraction in gross domestic product in the first three months of the year, its worst performance since the Second World War. 今年头3个月,日本国内生产总值(gdp)收缩4%,为二战以来表现最差的一个季度。
Their infrastructure is in gross need of expansion and modernization, but they spend billions on satellites instead. 他们的基础设施需要大量的扩建和现代化,但是他们却花数十亿用在了卫星上。
The surge in exports helped explain why Germany was able to report a rise in gross domestic product in the second quarter, compared with the previous three months meaning it emerged from recession ahead of the US, the UK and most of the other large European economies. 出口激增帮助解释了为什么德国第二季度国内生产总值较前3个月出现正增长。这一增长意味着它先于美国、英国和大部分其它欧洲经济体摆脱了衰退。
Growth in gross domestic product over the first three quarters was 10.7 per cent. 前三季度国内生产总值(GDP)增长10.7%。
Our forward linkage model suggests that an optimistic scenario would result in a20% per cent increase in gross domestic product ( GDP) per capita, despite one billion additional people. 我们的前向关联模型表明,尽管人口将增加十亿,乐观设想仍会引起人均国内生产总值(GDP)20%的增加。
When economists talk about economic growth they are measuring the change in gross domestic product. 经济学家们谈论经济增长时,他们是在衡量国内生产总值(GDP)的变动。